Window Shopping :: Conversation Pieces

• 1 :: Farouche • 2 :: Pillow Mio • 3 :: Miss Mosh • 4 :: Carta, Inc.


Amy said...

I love pillows! You have good taste.:)

Mia said...

Oh I am obsessed with pillows! My boyfriend won't let me bring any more in the house... that's why I must "window shop" now! ♥

Leen said...

lol! My hubby told me that "pillows used to bring me comfort, now they just make me mad!" I guess that means I have too many. But I still want more!

Mia said...

Haha! I'm glad I'm not alone! :p

Kathryn Zbrzezny said...

I secretly can't wait to finish off the living room, and decide on a paint color, just so I can get pretty coordinating pillows from etsy!!